‘People before Performance’
Be your Best, Respect and Working together

These three values underpin our actions and thoughts at Reading Swimming Club and support our club motto of ‘People before performance’. This will ensure that at Reading we continue to run a program that is Athlete centered, Coach driven, and Committee/Volunteer supported.

These values have been put together with the thoughts and comments from all areas of the club and we believe that these reflect the people that we want to grow into during our time at Reading swimming Club.

Be Your Best

Hard work, Commitment, Growth mindset and Ambition

Be your best; whatever you are looking to achieve in your swimming journey we want swimmers to be their best and to want to do this through hard work and commitment as well as having a growth mindset. This means embracing the challenges that are set to you by the coaching team as well as your actions and effort connecting with your own ambition for your journey in swimming.


Sportsmanship, Kindness and Time keeping

Respect is a cornerstone of our values and a value that transfers beyond the pool and club environment. We expect swimmers, parents and coaches to show respect to each other. We will ensure that we all show great sportsmanship and recognise and applaud the success of others, including those outside our own club. All swimmers should show kindness to each other and recognise the feelings of others. Respect is shown by understanding that time keeping is an important value and that you value the time of others.

Working Together

Team spirit, Community, Inclusivity and Communication

Working together will help us as a club moving forwards. We want all members to feel proud of representing the club and have a strong team spirit. We are an important part of the community and want to continue to reach out to the local community show them what Reading Swimming Club is all about. We are very proud at Reading that we show great inclusivity and believe this is a strong value when working together. And finally, communication is vitally important as work and grow as a team together.